
Managing Fear of Rejection and Embracing the Power of Vulnerability   

Vulnerability is a powerful tool for interpersonal connection at the cost of being incredibly scary for most people. The fearfulness around being vulnerable is understandable. Sharing your intimate thoughts and feelings to others when there is no guarantee of a positive reaction is not an easy thing to do. 

Why is vulnerability so hard?

The nature of vulnerability, in that it requires you to share something you feel shame about, is that it will be difficult. You are intentionally putting yourself at the risk of being hurt to gain the opportunity to be understood and to connect more deeply with others. If what you are divulging is not hard or scary, it is not an act of true vulnerability. In fact, the dictionary definition of ‘vulnerable’ is “capable of being physically or emotionally wounded”. Despite the daunting nature of vulnerability, it is an integral part of forging deep personal relationships. It fosters mutual empathy, trust, and understanding, all of which are vital for building and maintaining healthy, long term relationships.

What does vulnerability have to do with rejection?

Vulnerability and rejection are inevitable parts of the human experience, so it is important to know how to manage the complicated feelings that can arise as a result of these experiences. Here are a few approaches you can try:

Remember that rejection does not define you as a person or affect your worth

Vulnerability researcher Brené Brown highlights the importance of self-worth in her TedTalk, saying “There was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of… belonging and the people who really struggle for it… people who have a strong sense of… belonging believe they're worthy of love and belonging.” There is a study that demonstrates that people with higher self-esteem emotionally suffer less when confronted with rejection. Of course, believing you are worthy is much easier said than done. Psychotherapy, self-worth activity worksheets, and positive affirmations are some solid strategies for increasing your self-worth.

Focus on what you could gain, not what you could lose

While vulnerability and risking rejection are scary to practice, they can also lead to new opportunities and stronger relationships. When faced with an opportunity to be vulnerable, try to reframe your thinking from assuming the worst case scenario and instead turn your attention to what you might gain. As opposed to something like “what if I ask my friend out on a date and they don’t want to be my friend anymore?,” reframe this thought to something like “what if I ask my friend out on a date and they say yes and we start a wonderful romantic relationship?” Like anything, positive thinking takes practice and it will not be what your brain automatically jumps to the first time you try it, but after a while your thinking and perspective start to shift. 

Avoid making assumptions about other people’s motivations

Particularly when rejection is not accompanied by an explanation, it is easy to let your mind run wild with all the things you might have done wrong to “deserve” such a response. This is a valid reaction, but not a fruitful one. It’s not possible to guess what is going through someone else’s mind unless they explicitly explain it and even then, miscommunication is always a possibility. Assuming the worst, that the person hates you or that there is something wrong with you, will only fuel your anxiety around the situation. There is a study that shows that positive thinking increases resilience to daily stressors. This means that the more you work to shift your anxious thoughts to positive thoughts, the better you will be able to cope with the anxiety-provoking stressor. When those thoughts come up, acknowledge them and try to let them pass by or counter them by reminding yourself that their behavior has no bearing on your worth, regardless of their motivations.  

Keep picking yourself up and putting yourself out there

Perhaps the most difficult and most essential part of managing your fear of rejection is exposure to it. When you experience the pain of rejection, it is a natural instinct to want to put up emotional walls to avoid being hurt again. Unfortunately, this will have the undesirable side effect of preventing you from forging close relationships. You have to let yourself grieve and work through your feelings in order to move on. Being repeatedly exposed to an anxiety-provoking stimulus may be necessary in order to decrease anxiety. Crying, journaling, grounding yourself in nature, or doing whatever else feels cathartic for your negative emotions can help you process this experience and allow you to move forward. Perhaps with enough distance from the painful experience, you can even appreciate what it taught you and how it helped you grow. 

Vulnerability is undoubtedly challenging, as it requires us to expose our innermost selves without any guarantee of a positive outcome. This is especially true for those who have trauma or are neurodivergent, and it’s much easier said than done. Neurodivergent people are prone to challenges being vulnerable due to several factors including Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, Trauma, and different communication styles than their neurotypical counterparts. However, it is through this very act of vulnerability that we open the doors to deep and meaningful connections with others. Even the challenge itself and the painful experience of being rejected is important for self-growth and building emotional resilience. If you are experiencing challenges with vulnerability or rejection, consider seeking out support from a mental health professional. By embracing vulnerability, we can foster empathy, trust, and understanding, which are essential elements for building and nurturing healthy, long-lasting relationships.           

How to Manage Limiting beliefs and Negative Self-Talk

As the old saying goes, you are your own worst critic. Most people experience some form of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs. Negative self-talk is the inner voice that says self-defeating things like “I can’t do anything right,” or “I am not good at communication.” This internal dialogue serves to validate your core beliefs about yourself, which turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy. For instance, if one of your core beliefs is that you are unlovable, your brain will fixate on the experiences that validate that belief to the exclusion of examples that counteract that belief. When you fixate on those examples, you get stuck in a cycle in which your core beliefs affect your interpretation of the world around you, which in turn reaffirms the core beliefs.

What is a limiting belief?

Limiting beliefs are intertwined with negative self-talk; they are your internal beliefs that you take as absolute truths about what you are or aren’t capable of, how the world works, and how you interact with people. Limiting beliefs often keep us from straying from our comfort zone because it’s easier, less risky, and acts as a defense from hurt and disappointment. Protection from hurt sounds like a good thing, but the word limiting is part of the phrase for a reason. When there is nothing ventured, there is nothing gained. In other words, your limiting beliefs could be preventing you from achieving your goals. Our beliefs are often rooted in childhood experiences, family beliefs, and life experiences. 

An example of a limiting belief is “I’m not good at leadership.” Often, these beliefs are rooted in emotions tied to the past and not rooted in actual evidence. This differs from negative self-talk in that it reflects your beliefs about what you’re capable of as opposed to negative self-talk about your character. Even if there is evidence to support them, that doesn’t mean they are immutable truths. Just because you have not historically been a leader in team dynamics, does not mean you are incapable or unable to try it and learn how to do it.

How do I let go of negative self-talk?

When you engage with negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, it can negatively impact self-confidence, motivation, and achieving what you want. If you experience negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, there are steps you can take to address them and reframe your mindset for the better.

Be intentional about noticing which negative thoughts and beliefs come up habitually

It’s hard to address a problem without fully understanding what it is you want to change. Make a list of the recurring negative thoughts you have about yourself and your capabilities. Then, you can try to identify the origin of these beliefs, which will further flesh out your understanding of what you need to unlearn and how you got to believe these thoughts in the first place.  

Fake it until you make it

Nothing changes if nothing changes. Something has to give when you try to break out of a destructive pattern and that will be uncomfortable. When you go through the motions of counteracting negative thoughts with more positive ones, even if you don’t believe the positive thoughts yet, you will eventually start to believe them after practicing. Remember that your thoughts are not an immutable reality. When you start to recognize that they are just thoughts and that they do not have to control everything you do, you can start to liberate yourself from your inner critic. Sometimes the best way to retrain your brain is to change your behavior first and let the thoughts follow. The caveat to this approach is that the positive affirmations need to be realistic in order for it to be achievable for you to eventually believe them. If you, for example, experience negative self-talk about your appearance, instead of counteracting that with something like “I am the most beautiful person ever,” try something like “I am enough regardless of my appearance.” Another way to utilize “faking it until you make it” is by going for opportunities that your limiting beliefs would have you think you are unqualified for. Go for that promotion or ask that person out; if you wait to do what you want until you are not scared anymore, you will be waiting a long time. If you want to do it, you can do it scared.  

Shift from negativity to neutrality

Making the leap from negative thoughts to totally positive thoughts is daunting! Instead, try “moving toward the task” instead of trying to complete it in one move. Shifting from negative thoughts to more neutral thoughts is a great way to move towards positivity! The changes you make do not need to be seismic to be effective. It is unrealistic and overwhelming to strive for perfection immediately so give yourself credit for any progress you are making.

Let the thoughts simply pass by instead of engaging with them

When we get stuck ruminating over a thought, it feels all-consuming. There is a dialectical behavioral therapy skill called ”teflon mind” which encourages you to simply observe your negative thoughts rather than engaging with them and prolonging the internalization. Your thoughts do not define you and you do not need to take every single one to heart. 


Even after working on it, you will probably still have negative thoughts sometimes. It’s a natural part of being human, especially if your negative self-talk and limiting beliefs have existed for a long time. Something established over years and years cannot be broken down in a few weeks, months, or a few years. If you try some of the approaches listed above and continue to feel overwhelmed by negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, you should consider finding a therapist specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a form of therapy that involves restructuring how you think and perceive the world around you, particularly turning negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Negative thinking can take a toll on mental health and well being so trying to change them can improve your life quality greatly.      

What To Do When Your Partner Loses Their Erection: 6 Ways to Respond

Written by Seth Taylor, ALMFT

Intimacy is a vital component of a healthy romantic relationship, and sexual intimacy plays a significant role in many partnerships. However, it's not uncommon for individuals to experience challenges with their sexual health, including erectile dysfunction or difficulties with erections. If you find yourself in a situation where your partner loses their erection, it's important to respond in a supportive and understanding manner.

How do I deal with my partner’s erectile dysfunction? 

Here are some healthy ways to respond when your partner loses their erection:

1.   Practice Compassion and Understanding

Is ED a reason to break up? It's crucial to remember that experiencing difficulties with erections is not uncommon and can happen to anyone. Erection issues can stem from a variety of reasons, including stress, anxiety, fatigue, medical conditions, or simply random occurrences. It's essential to approach the situation with compassion and understanding rather than judgment or frustration. Avoid blaming or shaming your partner, as it can worsen the situation and create emotional distress. Instead, be empathetic and let your partner know that you understand it's a common occurrence and are there to support them.

2.  Communicate Openly and Honestly

So, how do people feel when they can’t get it up? Open communication is vital in any relationship, and it becomes even more crucial when it comes to sexual health. Encourage your partner to communicate openly about their feelings, thoughts, and concerns regarding their lost erection. Listen attentively without interrupting or making assumptions. Avoid making negative comments or belittling their experience. Instead, offer reassurance and express your support. Remember, your partner may already feel embarrassed or disappointed, so it's essential to create a safe space for them to share without fear of judgment. 

3. Reframe the Situation

When your partner loses their erection, it's easy to interpret it as a failure or a reflection of their attraction to you. However, it's important to reframe the situation and see it as a temporary setback that does not necessarily indicate their feelings for you. Remind yourself and your partner that sexual performance is not the sole measure of intimacy and connection in a relationship. Unless this is communicated, performance anxiety could escalate. Emotional and mental connections are equally important. Shift the focus from the physical act to the emotional bond and intimacy you share and emphasize that you are still connected despite the temporary challenge.

4.   Offer Support or Solutions

You may wonder if a man with erectile dysfunction could ever satisfy a partner. If your partner is open to it, offer support and explore potential solutions together. However, it's important to approach this with sensitivity and respect for your partner's comfort level. Avoid pressuring them or imposing solutions without their consent. Instead, discuss options such as seeing a healthcare professional, trying different sexual activities, or exploring relaxation techniques together. Encourage your partner to seek medical advice if they are concerned about their sexual health, as underlying medical conditions can sometimes affect erectile function. Remind them that seeking help is a sign of strength and not weakness.

5.  Be Patient and Understanding

Your partner is most likely already wondering how to overcome their ED anxiety. Dealing with a partner's lost erection can be frustrating and disappointing, but it's important to remember that patience is key. Avoid expressing frustration, disappointment, or anger towards your partner, as it can exacerbate the situation and create emotional distance. Instead, be understanding and patient. Reassure your partner that you are not disappointed or upset with them and are there to support them through this challenge. Be willing to step back from sexual activities and focus on other forms of intimacy, such as emotional connection, affection, and closeness.

6.   Prioritize Self-Care

Coping with your partner's lost erection can also be emotionally challenging. It's important to prioritize your own self-care during this time. Take care of your emotional and physical well-being, and seek support from trusted friends, family, or a sex therapist. Engage in activities that help you relax and manage stress, such as getting regular exercise, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. Remember that taking care of yourself allows you to be better equipped to support your partner in a healthy and understanding manner.


Can erectile dysfunction ruin a relationship? Only if you let it. At the end of the day, sexual intimacy is a personal and sensitive aspect of any romantic relationship, and it's important to approach it with kindness, patience, and understanding. By responding healthily and supporting your partner through their challenges with erectile function, you can strengthen your bond, deepen your emotional connection, and foster a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship.

Remember that relationships are built on trust, love, and understanding; facing challenges together can ultimately strengthen your partnership. So, be there for your partner, be understanding, and work together towards finding solutions that work for both of you. With mutual support, empathy, and patience, you can navigate this situation healthily and positively!