
Managing Fear of Rejection and Embracing the Power of Vulnerability   

Vulnerability is a powerful tool for interpersonal connection at the cost of being incredibly scary for most people. The fearfulness around being vulnerable is understandable. Sharing your intimate thoughts and feelings to others when there is no guarantee of a positive reaction is not an easy thing to do. 

Why is vulnerability so hard?

The nature of vulnerability, in that it requires you to share something you feel shame about, is that it will be difficult. You are intentionally putting yourself at the risk of being hurt to gain the opportunity to be understood and to connect more deeply with others. If what you are divulging is not hard or scary, it is not an act of true vulnerability. In fact, the dictionary definition of ‘vulnerable’ is “capable of being physically or emotionally wounded”. Despite the daunting nature of vulnerability, it is an integral part of forging deep personal relationships. It fosters mutual empathy, trust, and understanding, all of which are vital for building and maintaining healthy, long term relationships.

What does vulnerability have to do with rejection?

Vulnerability and rejection are inevitable parts of the human experience, so it is important to know how to manage the complicated feelings that can arise as a result of these experiences. Here are a few approaches you can try:

Remember that rejection does not define you as a person or affect your worth

Vulnerability researcher Brené Brown highlights the importance of self-worth in her TedTalk, saying “There was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of… belonging and the people who really struggle for it… people who have a strong sense of… belonging believe they're worthy of love and belonging.” There is a study that demonstrates that people with higher self-esteem emotionally suffer less when confronted with rejection. Of course, believing you are worthy is much easier said than done. Psychotherapy, self-worth activity worksheets, and positive affirmations are some solid strategies for increasing your self-worth.

Focus on what you could gain, not what you could lose

While vulnerability and risking rejection are scary to practice, they can also lead to new opportunities and stronger relationships. When faced with an opportunity to be vulnerable, try to reframe your thinking from assuming the worst case scenario and instead turn your attention to what you might gain. As opposed to something like “what if I ask my friend out on a date and they don’t want to be my friend anymore?,” reframe this thought to something like “what if I ask my friend out on a date and they say yes and we start a wonderful romantic relationship?” Like anything, positive thinking takes practice and it will not be what your brain automatically jumps to the first time you try it, but after a while your thinking and perspective start to shift. 

Avoid making assumptions about other people’s motivations

Particularly when rejection is not accompanied by an explanation, it is easy to let your mind run wild with all the things you might have done wrong to “deserve” such a response. This is a valid reaction, but not a fruitful one. It’s not possible to guess what is going through someone else’s mind unless they explicitly explain it and even then, miscommunication is always a possibility. Assuming the worst, that the person hates you or that there is something wrong with you, will only fuel your anxiety around the situation. There is a study that shows that positive thinking increases resilience to daily stressors. This means that the more you work to shift your anxious thoughts to positive thoughts, the better you will be able to cope with the anxiety-provoking stressor. When those thoughts come up, acknowledge them and try to let them pass by or counter them by reminding yourself that their behavior has no bearing on your worth, regardless of their motivations.  

Keep picking yourself up and putting yourself out there

Perhaps the most difficult and most essential part of managing your fear of rejection is exposure to it. When you experience the pain of rejection, it is a natural instinct to want to put up emotional walls to avoid being hurt again. Unfortunately, this will have the undesirable side effect of preventing you from forging close relationships. You have to let yourself grieve and work through your feelings in order to move on. Being repeatedly exposed to an anxiety-provoking stimulus may be necessary in order to decrease anxiety. Crying, journaling, grounding yourself in nature, or doing whatever else feels cathartic for your negative emotions can help you process this experience and allow you to move forward. Perhaps with enough distance from the painful experience, you can even appreciate what it taught you and how it helped you grow. 

Vulnerability is undoubtedly challenging, as it requires us to expose our innermost selves without any guarantee of a positive outcome. This is especially true for those who have trauma or are neurodivergent, and it’s much easier said than done. Neurodivergent people are prone to challenges being vulnerable due to several factors including Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, Trauma, and different communication styles than their neurotypical counterparts. However, it is through this very act of vulnerability that we open the doors to deep and meaningful connections with others. Even the challenge itself and the painful experience of being rejected is important for self-growth and building emotional resilience. If you are experiencing challenges with vulnerability or rejection, consider seeking out support from a mental health professional. By embracing vulnerability, we can foster empathy, trust, and understanding, which are essential elements for building and nurturing healthy, long-lasting relationships.           

Curious About Differences in Desire? Here Are 3 Tips to Address Desire Discrepancy

Desire discrepancy is when the libidos of people in a relationship do not align. The two types of libido are responsive and spontaneous which differ in how your desire for sex is initiated. People with responsive desire experience physical arousal before mental desire, whereas those with spontaneous desire experience mental desire first and then the physical arousal. Mental desire is being turned on in your mind and wanting (either hypothetically or literally) sexual stimulation, while physical arousal manifests in your body such as getting an erection.

This binary of responsive versus spontaneous is helpful for understanding how one’s personal experience of libido compares relative to others; however, that is not to say that this type of libido is fixed or exists strictly in black or white. While many people do tend towards one or the other, libido is flexible and can change with time, age, relationship status, and more. Neither type is better or worse, nor anything that needs to be fixed, but having this information about oneself can be helpful in successfully navigating a healthy sex life.

Though there is nothing inherently wrong with either type, it of course can be frustrating if your desire type doesn’t align with the person/people you’re having sex with. This is what we call desire discrepancy. If this is something you’re struggling with, consider some of these approaches:

Explore non-sexual intimacy

  • Physical intimacy can take many, many forms and getting creative is a good way to feel more physically connected with your sexual partner(s). Massages, cuddling, backscratching, and hugging are all great options for non-sexual physical touch.

Consider an open relationship

  • If you’re in a monogamous relationship and therefore only have sex with your partner, desire discrepancy can be a major obstacle to sexual satisfaction. Opening up your relationship is a much bigger deal than just saying you want to, but it could be a good option in instances where desire discrepancy is the root of major tension in the relationship. Here is an Embrace Sexual Wellness article that goes into detail about how to open a monogamous relationship.

Talk to a sex therapist (either as an individual or as a relationship)

  • Sex therapists are an amazing resource for sorting through sexual obstacles like desire discrepancy. They have knowledge about potential root causes of someone’s libido type, how to diffuse tension related to desire discrepancy, and creative problem solving that takes everyone’s needs into account. Working with a dedicated therapist also has the capacity to increase empathy on all sides, improving communication overall. If you live in Illinois, reach out to Embrace Sexual Wellness for a consultation.

Desire discrepancy does not mean anyone is at fault and will require patience and empathy on all sides to work through. This issue, like all other relationship issues, isn’t person versus person; it’s you all against the problem.

Looking to Enjoy Sex When Trying to Conceive? Here Are 4 Tips

Conceiving is an exciting time for a lot of reasons, but sexiness isn’t generally known as one of them. The process of trying to conceive for some can border on business at times between tactics like tracking ovulation cycles and scheduling sex. Regardless of efficacy, this definitely takes some of the fun and pleasure out of sex and it can start to feel like more of a chore than anything else. Having sex with a goal doesn’t mean it has to be devoid of fun! Here are some tips for enjoying sex while conceiving is on the brain:

1) Switch it up

  • Perhaps an obvious point, but an important one nonetheless, keep it fresh! Whether that means trying out sex toys, new positions, BDSM/kink, shared erotica or porn, new times of day, or another tactic, keeping it fresh will help retain the excitement that sex brings.

2) Try to enjoy the journey even though the motivation behind the sex is destination-oriented

  • When you’re having sex more frequently than you might otherwise, it’s tempting to want to cut to the chase and skip the foreplay. All this will do in reality is diminish your enjoyment, and potentially make it harder to have sex at all; for instance, if you can’t produce lubrication because you haven’t had enough foreplay, penetration might not work at all. All this is to say that foreplay is worth the time and will make sex feel less like a chore. Furthermore, it will help you feel more connected to your partner and more at ease.

  • A related point is to try to have both “goal oriented” sex for your conception journey and additionally, sex just for fun. If all your sex is goal oriented, the stress and pressure begins to be associated with sex might serve to discourage you from having it.

3) Spontaneity versus scheduling

  • There are pros and cons to spontaneous sex versus scheduling sex. Spontaneous sex might feel more natural and less pressured, while scheduling sex allows for synchronicity with fertility cycles. Ultimately, it will depend on the personalities of the people in the relationship which one works better, but leave the door open for a combination of both (or at least try not to get stuck in the thought that one is empirically better than the other).

4) Spend some time apart

  • This might seem counterintuitive to your ultimate goal but in fact, time apart will allow you both to have more “me time” to care for yourself. Conceiving to have a child is not only a physically process but an intensely emotional one and you owe it to yourself to care for yourself properly. Additionally, too much time together can be suffocating and make it hard to feel sexy when the time comes, so do yourself a favor and spend time alone.

Congratulations on your decision to try to conceive, and hopefully some of these tips will help you ensure that the journey is as enjoyable as possible while getting you where you want to be! If you continue to struggle to enjoy sex while conceiving and it becomes an issue, consider speaking to a sex therapist like one of the professionals at Embrace Sexual Wellness.